Dan. 5:12 "... Now let Daniel be called and he will give the interpretation."

Dan. 12:4 "... But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. ..."

Dan. 12:9 And the angel said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are concealed and sealed up until the end of time. ..."

Matt. 24:3 ..., "Tell us, when will this [destruction of the temple] take place, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end (completion, consummation) of the age?"

Matt. 24:15 "So when you see the abomination of desolation [the appalling sacrilege that astonishes and makes desolate], spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Holy Place (let the reader understand),...

Mark 13:14 "But when you see the abomination of desolation standing [in the temple sanctuary] where it ought not to be (let the reader understand) then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. ...

Dan. 12:11 "... From the time that the regular sacrifice [that is, the daily burnt offering] is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up [ruining the temple for worship of the true God], there will be 1,290 days. 12 How blessed [happy, fortunate, spiritually prosperous] and beloved is he who waits expectantly [enduring without wavering for the period of tribulation] and comes to the 1,335 days!"

Matt. 24:25 "... Listen carefully, I have told you in advance. ..."